DJ Press provides sitemap support for your site’s content through Django’s built-in sitemap framework. This allows search engines to more intelligently crawl your site by providing information about:
Blog posts
Static pages
Category archives
Date-based archives
Note: please refer to the current, official Django documentation for up-to-date instructions on how to configure sitemaps: The following information should be seen as a guide only and may need modifying for your specific requirements.
First, ensure Django’s sitemap framework is installed. Add
:INSTALLED_APPS = [ ... 'django.contrib.sitemaps', ... ]
Import the DJ Press sitemap classes in your project’s
:from django.contrib.sitemaps.views import sitemap from djpress.sitemaps import ( CategorySitemap, DateBasedSitemap, PageSitemap, PostSitemap, ) # Define your sitemaps dictionary sitemaps = { 'posts': PostSitemap, 'pages': PageSitemap, 'categories': CategorySitemap, 'archives': DateBasedSitemap, } # Add the sitemap URL patterns urlpatterns = [ ... path("sitemap.xml", sitemap, {"sitemaps": sitemaps}, name="django.contrib.sitemaps.views.sitemap"), ... ]
That’s it! Your site will now have a sitemap at /sitemap.xml
that includes all your site’s content.
What’s Included
The sitemap will include URLs for:
Posts: All published blog posts
Pages: All published static pages
Categories: All categories that contain published posts
Archives: Date-based archives (year, month, day) that contain posts
Each URL in the sitemap includes:
The location (URL) of the content
Last modified date
Change frequency
Protocol (https by default)
Disabling Sections
You can choose which sections to include in your sitemap by only adding the desired classes to your sitemaps dictionary. For example, to only include posts and pages:
sitemaps = {
'posts': PostSitemap,
'pages': PageSitemap,
Date-based Archives
The date-based archives sitemap respects your DJ Press archive settings. If you have disabled archives in your DJ Press settings (ARCHIVE_ENABLED = False
), the archive URLs will not be included in the sitemap.
By default, all URLs in the sitemap use the HTTPS protocol. To change this, subclass any of the sitemap classes:
from djpress.sitemaps import PostSitemap
class CustomPostSitemap(PostSitemap):
protocol = 'http'
sitemaps = {
'posts': CustomPostSitemap,
Change Frequencies
The default change frequencies are:
Posts: monthly
Pages: monthly
Categories: daily
Archives: daily
To customize these, subclass the relevant sitemap class:
from djpress.sitemaps import PostSitemap
class CustomPostSitemap(PostSitemap):
changefreq = 'weekly'
sitemaps = {
'posts': CustomPostSitemap,
The sitemap classes are designed to work efficiently with Django’s ORM and respect DJ Press’s caching settings. However, for sites with many posts, you may want to consider implementing caching for the sitemap views.
Caching can be complex to implement depending on your site’s set up, but as an example, to cache the sitemap, use Django’s cache framework:
from django.views.decorators.cache import cache_page
urlpatterns = [
path('sitemap.xml', cache_page(86400)(sitemap), # Cache for 24 hours
{'sitemaps': sitemaps},
Generating the Sitemap
Once configured, your sitemap will be available at /sitemap.xml
. You can verify it’s working by visiting this URL in your browser or using a tool like curl:
The sitemap follows the protocol and can be submitted to search engines through their respective webmaster tools.